Matthew J. Sauro

Full Stack .NET Developer

Picture of Matt Sauro

About Me

My name is Matthew J. Sauro. I'm a Full Stack .NET Developer from Chicago. I am interested in new job opportunities and networking.

Tools: C#, VB / Visual Basic, .NET Framework, .NET Core, Entity Framework, ASP.NET, Classic ASP, Web APIs, Microservices, REST, JSON, XML, Unit Testing xUnit, Moq, MVC5, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES 6), Bootstrap, jQuery, Team City, Github, Octopus, Swagger, Swashbuckle, Typescript, Angular

Databases: T-SQL

Software: Visual Studio, VS Code, SQL Server Management Studio


A fully functional e-commerce site using NET MVC and Entity Framework. Products and customers are added via SQL database and payments are processed through the Braintree Payments API. Emails are automatically sent upon registration, resetting your password and completing an email via the MailGun API. Other langues include HTML5, CSS3, Razor and Bootstrap.

A game similar to Space Invaders and Astroids programmed using JavaScript. The user can pilot their ship through a never-ending level and destroy incoming asteroids.

This app interacts with the Yahoo weather API using Angular. The user can search their city and receive a 10 day forecast. Other languages include HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, Javascript.

This app interacts with the OpenWeather API. Upon load, the browser will detect your current location and show the current conditions via a jQuery ajax call to the OpenWeather API and a call to Google Maps API to get convert your latitude and longitude to city, state, and zip. The user can click on several times to see the forecast for the specific time in the future.

This is a simple Angular app displaying several exotic pets to purchase. The user can add reviews and can register and login via the FireBase API.

CryptoTracker is a single page application featuring AnguarJS that shows the current price of 1 BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and Ripple in U.S. Dollars. The current price is retrieved though the CryptoCompare API.

This is a Rock, Paper, Scissors game. The UI interface was designed using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap 3. All logic was done in plain Vanilla JavaScript. Your win/loss/tie record is persisted through the use of local storage.

A tribute page to the career of the late Chris Cornell. This page features HTML5, CSS3, and BootStrap. To create each section, AngularJS directives were implemented.